I have a VERY old battery charger that was specific for Nickel Cadmium batteries back in the day. Now that we use NiMh batteries, can I still use this charger or will the batteries explode? If I can't use this charger for those batteries, can you suggest where I might find a charger for C and D batteries (I have a new baby and all the toys and bouncy chairs use those huge batteries)? It seems that all the chargers I've found are specific only for AA and AAA. Thanks!
yes it willlllll dont do that pleese my nador died freom doing that the acid in the bateries will kill you if they explode
The chances of the batteries exploding are very slim. But the charger could easily damage the4 NiMH batteries. It's best if you get a charger that is designed for the batteries you have. You can buy the right chargers on-line or at Radio Shack. Batteries Plus, if there's one in your area should also be able to fix you up with a charger.