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Quite a Predicament, The display on my Motorola Razor does not work, trying to use data cable and not working?

I have a motorola razer, the display is broken, and I got a new phone but my SIM card didn't have my contacts saved to it so I need to get them from the phone. I have the phone plugged into my laptop using the data cable, drivers downloaded, however when i click on the removable disc in My Computer, it tells me to plug it in, So i guess my question is, is there any sequence of buttons i can/have to push (to get through menu's or okay it) on the phone that I can't see? or is there another way to get it to connect to the computer? anything helpful is appreciated. Thanks!


Bakhtiar give up copying my solutions. you ought to purchase Motorola telephone procedures off Motorola's internet web site. This utility has the ability to circulate photos out of your telephone on your laptop. it is likewise an mind-blowing utility all jointly. It has many helpful components on it.
Verizon Wireless may be able to help you. There is a machine that will transfer your phonebook, pictures, etc for about $10-15. Not all of the stores have them, but most do. If all else fails. that is what I would do. And it should work as long as your port (where your phone charges) is not damaged. Hope that this helps.
Try taking it to your service provider. They might be able to use a machine to transfer the contacts to a different phone and you can just copy the contacts to the SIM from there.

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