
Real estate career?

I am considering a career in real estate. My background is in sales. I know the benefits can be great but what's the real down low stuff?


I think this job is not a very hard one. It is paid well, you can have a flexible schedule, you meet new people... It implies a lot of communication skills, patience and some luck. I'm not a sale's person, but if you are, real estate will suit you, I'm sure.
Why aren't you researching with people in the field - who know the ropes?
I've been selling Real Estate for 8 years now and love it. If you are a good people person you will be good at it. Just be sure to have 6 months of living expenses saved up when you get started. The average agent will take close to 6 months to get their first closing. A great career choice if you are a go getter and a self starter. Good Luck!!!!

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