Recently my '92 oldsmobile's transmission went out. The estamate for a new transmission is $1700. Now the car is otherwords fairly new; 70k miles and $600 worth of new brakes. So in your humble opinions, worth it or not?
how much money will you make with the car in 09, that 1700 investment can make you quite a bit if the engine is good
see if you can find someone to rebuild YOUR transmission, not slap someone elses rebuilt in it. if you can keep the cost down it is worth it
no, i know its hard because the car has good mielage and you've invested so much into it but sometimes its best to let go, any car where the transmission fails at only 70K is a POS to begin with, you could take that $1700 and $500(you can sell your car to the junkyard) and get a decent reliable vehicle for $2200, take my word for it i bought a nissan suv for $5,000 and from day one things went wrong with the piece of garbage:, brakes, head gaskets, hoses, egr valve, oil leak, in the end i put in 10 grand when i could have gotten a new car for 10 grand