I had heard of steel braided fuel lines but ive also seen some air and coolant lines that are steel braided. Are these commonly used? I guess what I'm asking is if its a good idea to use them.
hard task browse over google or bing it can assist
Steel braided lines are mostly used in racing or off road applications or anywhere with rough service.
Very good idea depending on the application. The steel braid reinforces the rubber to make it withstands pressure. Example, pressure side of power steering pump is reinforced, the return side doesn't usually need to be. Carbed cars usually run around 3-7 lbs on fuel line so no need, fuel injected cars run roughly 45 psi and up usually so those are braided.
Steel braided line are mainly use in turbulence areas, where they need to be protected. i would recommend replacing your brake line with it but not your coolant or air lines. there are other materials that are well suitable for coolant and air lines.