I have recently gone to the Tmobile at home plan and spoke with Brinks (my alarm company) and they told me if they didn't receive a signal when I purposely set off the alarm that they would need to come out and install a special filter in the line at $50/hr. I would like to know if this is something that I can purchase and take care of myself? Also, can you tell me what type of filter I am looking for and how I would intall. Thanks.
There are not real cons to school uniforms. People us person freedom of expression as an excuse while ignoring the real benefits. If you want to use cost as an argument when you instate a uniform code over a short period time you can start a school uniform hand me down program using the best taken car of clothing and sell them or even give them away to student without the means to buy new. For every argument against school uniform their are many for it if you just take the time to think. Rather you realize it or not when you go to work for most companies they have a dress code rather you like it or not. In countries with school uniform they have less discipline insure and get better grades so American with their so called obsession with children person freedoms need to think twice about the quality of our school before anything else. When kids graduate high school they have the rest of their life to dress as they please.
im from aus, and every school has a uniform, so its not so bad. im at a private school so mine prob costs more than others, but i was at a public school last year and we had a uniform but the school was very slack about it. If your gonna hav a uniform then everybody has to wear it, it makes u feel like u belong to something, if u want to express ur individuality thats wat ur social lifes for u hav to wear a uniform for most jobs anyhow so get used to it. at least its alot easier to decide wat to wear wen u get up, and u dont hav to worry bout wearing sumthing different every day
Many of the schools in my community use school uniforms. Pros -They're not more expensive than the trendy clothes that change every 3 months, -Poorer kids aren't singled out for not having up to date fashionable clothes. -White polo shirts and blue pants go with anything -There will be no arguments about what to wear to school
If you asked me a week ago, I would have said crushed. Since then, I have been crushed..I will NEVER open my heart to anyone ever again, it was horrible. I'll be the crusher anytime now.