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Washbasin counter to the bathroom door taboo

Washbasin counter to the bathroom door taboo


For the mirror facing the door of the bathroom, that is, the washstand against the door, the feng shui is influential at home, the mirror is best to hang in the door or the right hand side, in fact, the toilet facing the bathroom door is also very OK, the specific reasons are as follows: A: In the bathroom feng shui, the mirror has a special force to reflect the energy of space, so it can also reflect the energy of people and bathroom items. Therefore, the bathroom mirror can not be placed in the spirit of the weakest place. Just as the residential feng shui clouds: "the mirror should be dark should not be clear." In addition, the mirror on the opposite side of the door will be the formation of red, the good gas reflected out, every time the door is also vulnerable to shock, long-term easy to mental stress, sick and broken money. Second, the mirror facing the toilet door, let the couple in dealing with things intoxicated, and let the male sexual function at home weakened, women are easy to have women sick. Resolving method: from the bathroom feng shui point of view, the door of the solution is to solve the door outside the light-colored long curtain, (you can hang a door, you can also hang on both doors), and then hang in the door specifically resolved The door of the strong resistance to the long rule of the five emperors of a string of block evil, if the space allows the door can also put green potted plants, so that both can successfully resolve the door red. In addition the bathroom door usually closed. On the mirror If you must be in that position in the mirror to the best kind of angle of the mirror, (the mirror and the wall into a 30 degree angle, slightly lower the kind of mirror), so that not only solve the mirror orientation.

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