I have to write a speech about this and i'm flat out about ideasI don't want stuff from 50 fun things to do during an exam because we all know that's impossible in the reality of High SchoolPlease help!
They use anti-gravity devices from UFOs.
floating bridges or cantilever
Most bridges surrounded by water are built in sectionsFirst, dredges dig circular holes into the sea or lake bedConcrete pilons are then poured and set in the waterAfter this, preformed concrete and asphalt slabs are laid on top of each pilonThis process continues until the bridge reaches the anchor on the other side of the body of water.
There are no bridges over oceansBridges that are very long require supportThese towers are build by creating small round dams and removing the waterIt can only be done in shallow water such as the bridge between the Florida KeysThe military sometimes uses a floating bridge over riversThat can't be permanent since boats can't get by.
Here's ten things that I know are realistic because I have done them all myself before back when I was a high school student(Good times, good times.) 1Use a piece of scratch paper to make oragami figuresI uesd to make paper cranes and those blow-up ballsI once made an entire pond diorama with paper cranes and balls to which I had attached fins to make them look like fish 2Draw a picture of the class nerd (yeah, that was me; nothing wrong with it) graduating from the local community college with a degree in truck drivingHey, he or she will still probably make more money than me, but it's a good laughShow it to your buddy sitting near you 3Throw something at someone (something small and light and non-pointy because you don't want to hurt anyone, and don't aim for the face)Here's the key: make it look like an accidentNo one's feelings will get hurt if you're convincing enough, and you still get to laugh inside 4Ask to use the restroom, and don't actually goJust walk around a bitEnjoy the day, the bluish tint to the walls, the yellowy light from the flickering lightsWay to stick it to the man, man 5Ask the teacher what the answer to the first question isHey, it's worth a shot, right? (I think that one of my teachers freshman year really had no idea.) 6Ask the teacher what the test is on right before you take itThe resulting look of dismay is always priceless 7Obnoxiously eat something, then make a big show of throwing away the wrapper or whateverHey, you need to keep your energy up, right? 8If you're taking a multiple choice exam with separate question and answer forms, answer all of the questions on the question form, but make sure they're all wrongThe next person to use the question form willl probably not be stupid enough to use the answers you providedProbably 9Take a nap during the testYou need rest to do your best, and it always makes it a lot more enjoyable 10Hey, you're taking an examHow could you not have fun?