A lightning rod event has these characteristics: the intersection of two or more prominent topics (like, in the Imus event, race, public taste and the profit motive) obsessive news coverage and public interest. The feeling, after it's over, that some important truths have been revealed and there has been some powerful effect on society.Other lightning rod events include the Clarence Thomas story from the early 90s and the Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair in the late 90s.
They're safety goggles for most, but a couple of them have severe astigmatism therefore their goggles are prescription making them half eye glasses and half goggles.
Not a cure, but a preventative.get a small electric space heater to keep under there on really cold days/nights.
I STRONGLY recommend this site for parents and teachers. ALL preschools and day care center should have this kit. The first link you can do stuff on-line. The second link is an order form, the kit is FREE you just pay shipping and handling. I used this in my class for years. The fireman all use it when they come out to teach fire safety. The kids love the card games (3-5 yrs), and they understand. This program actually helps kids, I had families comment how the kids retained the info and used what they learned months after the lesson. (once, a family home caught on fire at night, their child got out, and told them he learned this in school) I would too encourage the families to get involved, creating a 'get out' plan, more is in the kit. You probably can't get the kit ASAP. but the website ihas fun stuff for the kiddies,. You may be able to reproduce the stuff. Basically, one game is about tools. the child picks 'for kids' or 'for grownups'. Tools like a sand shovel, kids. A hammer, for grownups. Matches, grownups. ect. I brought some real matches, lighters, cigs, hammers, nails, in along w/ kid 'tools' ike cards, balls,ect . The kids were not allowed to touch ANY adult tool. This was a circle time activity, for play they used the card game.