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What are the roads like in Montana?

Not the highways, but the other roads.Are they dirt? Paved? both? Do they salt them in the winter?Do you have to put chains on your tires?


I am afraid all that and any benefits and veteran's status you might have had are gone now. As for being safe from punishment I would say not. The punishment for an active duty member going over the hill will still be there once the feds become aware of you and your previous history. One of my high school friends did something similar. He went over the hill after figuring out the military was not for him. He was not so smart or concerned and the feds showed up and arrested him 18 months later during a softball game he was playing in. They stopped the game and walked right out to centerfield and arrested him on the spot and took him and turned him eventually over to the military authorities and back he went to face the music. He eventually got a dishonorable discharge after serving some time in corrective custody and your outcome will probably be much the same.
If I only knew for sure! On several occasions I have run into this same problem at customers homes and my own home. One time I found a lose connection on one of the interconnect wires. Another time I had to set off each detector and then silence it. And at my own home just over a year after installing new units one started chirping occasionally and I had to replace it . A few months later another one did the same thing. Replaced that one. Two years latter, another one had to be replaced. So, it could be any one of those reasons. Good luck.
Look for a fire? No, maybe there is a short in the wire that connects them.

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