We are having a problem with speeding in my neighborhood and we are looking to raise awareness to it. Just curious if anyone has any info I have searched high and low and can not find anything.
Don't be scared. I'm only 5'2 and can survive a mosh pit. Safety tips? There really aren't any. Its extremely rough so be ready for pushing and shoving. What concert is it by the way? and people usually crowd surf so be ready to duck and have your hands up to protect yourself and help carry people who are crown surfing.
It's not illegal to call off sick, but they can and probably will fire you. Employers are particularly suspicious when people call off on holidays or weekends, and question whether the person is really sick or just wants the day off. Can you sue them for WHAT? Expecting you to come to work when you are scheduled? You have no grounds for a suit and couldn't win - and if they fire you, you won't win a suit either. .
I thought his lines were bad, and he didn't deliver them all that well. He's such a talented funny writer. He has written stories about doing that show. He admits to having some bad lines. People in Starfleet never lie, or something like that. Naive and silly.