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What kind of work does communication / Telecommunication / network equipment mean?

What kind of work does communication / Telecommunication / network equipment mean?


The network communication technology, refers to the professional technology of computer and network communication equipment in the professional and technical personnel within the scope of the use of information and communication equipment for computer graphics and text in the form of acquisition, storage, processing and transmission of information resources, to achieve full sharing of technology. For example, network managers in telecommunications also belong to network communications technicians
Network communication technology is a combination of communication technology and computer technology. A computer network is a collection of interconnected, independent computers on the earth in accordance with network protocols. The connecting medium may be a cable, twisted pair, fiber, microwave, carrier or communication satellite. The computer network has the function of sharing hardware, software and data resources, and has the ability of centralized processing, management and maintenance of shared data resources.
Professional division is numerous. Each profession has its important point of work and direction. In practical work, network communication technology is only a branch of network technology.

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