So much that the plot revolves around it or a major element of the film is machinery. It could be a robot, a car, a cyborg or anything of that matter.BQ: Do you ever buy a film on DVD/Blu-Ray without watching it first?BQ2: What's the longest you've ever waited to see a film? Bonus Trivia: What do all these films have in common? V For Vendetta, Closer, 28 Days Later, The Exorcist, Natural Born Killers and Kick-A**.- Have a good night :)
What's your favourite film that heavily features machinery? District 9 Do you ever buy a film on DVD/Blu-Ray without watching it first?
Hey V! Well, the Answer to your 1st Question for ME is The Machinist(with Christian Bale as Lead), Then there's Also A.I. I-Robot.....since We're talking about Robots, I May as Well Mention all the Terminator movies Too! Now, your 2nd Q?, My answer would have to be: YES! I Buy movies ALL the Time These Days without Actually Watching Them 1st! PLUS, After I Get them HOME, sometimes I STILL Don't Watch them for a LONG Time! Your Last Q?, I'd Say: I'm Kinda Still counting on the LONGEST I've Ever Waited to See a Film! I sorta Buy 'Em, Put 'Em away.
Hey V! Great q. :) :) :) I have a few film that I love, that revolve around all things machine. Some of them being Blade Runner, 2001: Space Odyssey,The Terminator (1984 1991), The Iron Giant, A.I Artificial Intelligence, Total Recall and Wall-E. Blade Runner definitely stands out for me though. It's such a rich blend of robots and humans. Has a neat embodiment of romance, religion and science themes. Basically encompassing all things sci-fi while (at the time of release) setting a pretty high benchmark for film neo-noir and cyber-punk. BA: Yep, Minority Report. (There was a sale on DVDs and most of them were films I'd already seen, but I got a couple like MR which I thought would be a sound investment, and they were). :D BA2: A little over 1 and a half hours to watch The King's Speech, (DVD player was being dodgy.) Bonus Trivia: errrrrr, I have no idea. I've thought for ages about the possibilities... (have oscar winning directors/actors? nope. all have natalie portamn? nope...gah! This is hard). But it'll bug me so I'll edit if I think of something. Haven't seen 'Closer' but my best guess would be someone dies in all of the movies Pathetic guess, I know. Lol. :P - You too, V!
Hello V :) Nice question. I do actually really love the movie 'The Machinist' but that seems such a typical answer! Oh, oh I know.....A.I Artificial Intelligence. Love that movie :) BQ: Very often yes. I buy lots of DVDs :) but not full-price or anything. I just scour Amazon or Ebay or supermarkets and sometimes I see something I've been meaning to watch, or someone has recommended, or just looks interesting. I often have a hunch how much I'll enjoy a movie and I'm often right. Though the best thing is when you're surprised by a movie and you end up really, really enjoying something you didn't have the highest hopes for. Plus horror movies - I'll watch any horror movie :) BQ2: I get rental DVDs from lovefilm and I'm not always in the mood to watch a specific title, so some of them may end up sitting there for a few days. Or do you mean a cinema queue? In which case probably Paranormal Activity (wish I hadn't bothered!) Bonus trivia. Wow how intriguing! How about....they're all your favourite movies? :) edit: Ah damn it :) the only other possibility I was thinking of, was that they all have 'shaving' scenes. Natalie's head in V for Vendetta, Woody's head in Natural Born Killers, Jim's face (with no water!) in 28 Days Later. But I can't honestly think of any shaving scene in The Exorcist? And I've never seen Closer or Kick A**. Boo! Really curious though...please tell us soon!! edit: TELL US! TELL US! TELL US! ha ha :) :)
Saw has lots of machinery, and I liked most of the series. BQ: Yes. BQ2: If you are talking about waiting in line, then about 90 minutes. If you are just talking about not going to the movies immediately, then that would be about 1.5 years, and it would be too embarrassing to say what it was since everyone saw it before me. I would lose my gold star for movie watching if it ever got out. trivia - ? No idea, but intrigued as to what the answer is.