We have an entranceway to our hotel that is just a little too long, and I'm looking at putting a speed bump across to slow everyone down. Which type is considered best? Should I be looking into an asphault type or the plastic/rubber ones?
well I am not familiar with that model, but usually they come apart, cover off, paper tray, it may need a few ajustments but usually clean all the rollers with Metho and a lint free cloth. Sometimes you can rough up the rollers with a bit of fine wet n dry paper. Let the metho dry out then when you put paper in to try it fan the paper, it makes for easier pick up. Sorry not much help in pulling it apart, but just look at it as a mecano set lol.
never go in alone - let someone know where you are going and when to expect you back - carry a (licensed) firearm if known predators are in the area - carry a compass (and know how to use it) or a GPS unit - at the very least carry a rudimentary surviva