The wipers had been thawed and refrozen. When we went out and started the Blazer, the passenger side wiped okay, but the driver side did not as it was frozen in. Now when you use them, the passenger side still wipes okay, but the driver side wiper only goes up about four inches when the passenger side wiper is all the way up (vertical). I am afraid a gear or something is sheared off, but I am hoping someone here might know better than I. Thanks for your help.
The 1st answer about the bolt is applicable for some cars. I will add to that. shut the wipers off and make sure the driver's side is fully down. once it is, tighten the bolt. From what I am aware of on the 1st gen blazers 198?-1994, the arms have grooves that coincide with grooves on the piece that turns them at the base of the windshield/hood. to get those off, there is a special tool to do so properly, but it can also be done very carefully with a hammer.if this is still the setup the blazer used, and If you have stripped either or both gears out, the arm and the unit(name I don't know) can be replaced. I have never done it, so I can't detail the whole procedure short of it will be a pain. if you are lucky and only stripped the wiper arm, as I have done before, that is a simple replacement.
If you are lucky, there is an easy fix. At the base of the wiper arm, there is a plastic cover. Pry it off and there will be a nut underneath holding the wiper arm on. With the wipers off , place the arm where it should be and tighten that nut. I am not sure how tight. I had to do this about 3 times before it stayed put. so carry a pair of pliers with you so you can re tighten it if and when necessary. Been there, done that
You really only need the driver wiper. You can take that passanger side motor and switch it with the driverside. Thats easy fix if repositioning it doesnt work