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xp antivirus 2011 remved using malwarebytes malware now I cant access some programs in my control panel.?

I had xp antivirus 2012 on my pc, i used malwarebit antimalware to remove. I had to use in saferun under admin. it worked, when i restarted i cant access some applicationsays application not available and I cant access most features in control panel. how to resolve this. I have no restore system points:(


just right for a hobbyist.
Go to the Simplex web site. Their catalogs will show you all their stuff. We usually refer to these as horn strobes. They can come with an electromechanical bell, a horn, or a device that generates the signal one desires. You will find that they come standard with the word FIRE on the surface, but ca n be obtained with other wording.
probalby not, most cars today have all the cars under components tucked up between the frame, and have skid plates under the motor and transmission, so the most damage realistically that you could've done is scratched a big piece of metal under your car, unless you see some fluids under your car that aren't water tomorrow, you are totally good to go!
Seems I guess the real question is what in the world do you want it for? If you want one I could get you a price. I am gonna place an educated guess and say that you are looking at about $100 for this piece of equipment. Keep in mind, you will need a power supply for 24VDC, unless you want a 110Volt model. I am sure someone makes one somewhere. (Some of Simplex's alarm equipment is private labeled stuff anyway, meaning it's made by someone else.)
it is a commercial item which it takes expensive equipment to run. you will be able to purchase this from an electrical contractor in your area.

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