All Inductors Question
- Circuits Help (Inductor Over Time)?
- 1 answer
- What does a Inductor do if a Capacitor?
- 3 answer
- If the current through an inductor were doubled, the energy stored in the inductor would be halved. q?
- 4 answer
- a resister and inductor in series.?
- 3 answer
- Physics-- Magnetism, resistance, and inductors?
- 2 answer
- whats the diffrence between a inductor with a medal and a normal inductor?
- 4 answer
- A 0.76- H inductor carries a current that changes at a rate of -0.11 A/s. What is the induced emf?
- 2 answer
- If the current through the inductor (L 34.8 mH) at 448 Hz has an amplitude of 55 mA, what is the amplitude o?
- 1 answer
- can a faulty inductor causes short circuit?
- 1 answer
- (HELP! ASAP) A 41.0-mH inductor, with internal resistance of 34.5 Ω, is connected to an ac source?
- 2 answer
- a single 897mH inductor is in a series circuit with a 248Hz ac voltage source. if a?
- 4 answer
- Is anyone taking Femara as an ovulation inductor?
- 3 answer
- An inductor has an inductance of 0.085 H. The voltage across this inductor is 61 V and has a frequency of 645?
- 3 answer
- how to replace coupled inductors with 1 equivilant inductor?
- 1 answer
- Calculate the potential difference across the inductor at t 0.417 m?
- 1 answer
- Voltage across an inductor?
- 5 answer
- Help with inductor and sinusoidal waves.?
- 2 answer
- How do you get resistance and henry from inductor?
- 1 answer
- A resistor and an inductor are connected in a series circuit with an ac source.?
- 3 answer
- How inexact can I be with inductors when designing a crossover?
- 1 answer
- What unit results when calculating the quantity, 1/2πfc. V,wb,f/s,ohms, or F.s?
- 2 answer
- A 3.5 mH inductor and a 4.5 mH inductor are connected in parallel (Physics)?
- 1 answer
- why electric inside pure inductor is assumed to be zero?
- 1 answer
- Voltage across the inductor question?
- 2 answer
- Capacitors/Inductors in DC?
- 2 answer
- inductor with negligible resistance is connected across an ac source?
- 1 answer
- At a given instant the current through an inductor is 50.0mA and is increasing at the rate of 115 mA/s?
- 1 answer
- Magnetic Induction: Inductor Problem?
- 1 answer
- At what frequency will a 75.0 mH inductor have a reactance of 800 Omega ?
- 3 answer
- Inductors and Current Question?
- 2 answer