If the nozzle is placed 30 degrees from the horizontal ground, find a. the time required for the water to reach the ground. b. the maximum vertical height reached by the water. c. the horizontal distance the water travels. If possible please include the solution. I'm solving this for several hours.
Well I use dull spurs. They get my horse's attention and makes him mind a little bit better. He's three years and sometimes needs a reminder of who is in charge! lol. But that's the kind of spurs I use. Dull ones.
i ride about 15 different horses per week and i have only one pair of spurs, the prince of wales. if you know how to properly use a spur, it doesn't matter how big it is. you have said that you know how to use them so the size you use doesn't really matter. as for the blunt ends and everything, mine are squared off and i just keep my leg extremely still and use either the edge of the spur lightly or turn my foot so that i use the flat end of the spur. i like the strap on ones so that they don't move around. :)
It is probably for the local utility radios or police radios. The higher the antenna the better the radio coverage. Instead of building a tower to mount the antenna they use the water tower thus saving money. To generate revenue the owners of the water tower often lease space for antennas.
Rubber spurs are more humane than any metal ones. The below description has been copied directly from the website at the bottom. SmartSwitch Spurs are a popular choice with riders. The rounded plastic roller is a softer aid than a traditional metal spur. These roller spurs come with a set of interchangeable color rollers. You can swap out the whole roller or use two different colors. Includes a pair of nylon spur straps. SmartSwitch Spurs come with a pair of pink, purple, navy gray rollers. Prince of Wales spurs work well but, as with any other spurs, you really need to be an experienced rider with a calm horse and steady leg to use them. There are some spurs on the market that actually roll on the horses side to stop the spurs digging in but still place pressure on the side. I can't find a link for them just yet, but I'll add it if I find it. The SmartSwitch spurs might do this, but it doesn't really make it clear. I've never used them, just heard very good reports.
the only spurs i use dont even have jowls on them there called barrel spurs look it up on