So my friend and I have decided that we want to start fishing. We both have gone fishing before but with other people. I know that we need fishing licenses. I am just looking for any advice. We both want to get our own rod and reel, not too expensive though, and i was just curious what the best brands for rods and reels are. Also size of the rod and basically all the basics that we need to get us started! Please give any advice you have because we need it! we plan on fishing in freshwater, nothing to serious.Thanks!
Home depot or similar store would sell them.
Wal-mart has them. I found out it is cheaper to buy brand new than to get them refilled. Look in the area where they have light bulbs and smoke detectors. They are made by Kidde and they are a good company.
1. We need the year make and model of the car. Front suspension bushings can cause noise as well as loose tie-rod ends and lower ball joints.
Try Home Depot and Lowes. Other places are Sears, Walmart, Target, ACE, True Value. Be sure to check the year made in and if there is an expiration date. Important thing is it should be convenient to use and store. But a good brand name.
look in the yellow pages, they have places that sell tjem and refill also.