What would be cheaper: Using only candle light, or using only electric light?
You can generate electricity with solar cells or a wind or hand crank generator, which is practically free and renewable. When a candle burns up it's gone.
depends on where you get the candle and where you get the electricity you can make a candle from petroleum-based parafin, or from hydrogenated animal fat you can make the electricity from wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal, or combusting petro fuels you might want to consider the cost of the distribution system for power, and the energy cost of making the light bulb for example, considering the cost of making a Prius, it may be less efficient than a BMW M3 (at least according to Top Gear)
You need to burn 40 pieces of candle to generate the same light as one piece of 100 watts light bulb. To light up ten hours with one single 100 watts light bulb costs about 10 cents electricity. Most tapper candle last 3 hours,therefore you need at least to burn 120 pieces candle for ten hours same light as produce by a single light bulb. Each candle cost about 50 cents. Now tell me which one is cheaper?