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General basement and ground connection on the stairs on the fire barrier to what material

General basement and ground connection on the stairs on the fire barrier to what material


The title did not specify the fire level of the house, had your own fire rating according to the requirements of the building's fire resistance limit, to choose
? ③ fly ash filling wall, 100 thick, burning performance is not burning body, fire limit, 3.4 hours, ??????????????????????????????? ④ cement filling wall, 100 thick, burning performance is not burning body, fire resistance, 2.0 hours.
Fire barrier material preferred: ① ordinary clay brick, double-sided plastering 150mm thick, burning performance is not burning body, fire limit 4.5 hours, ??????????????????????????????? ② concrete wall, 120 thick, burning performance is not burning body, fire resistance limit, 2.5 hours,

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