1 can unopened soda, Heat source, 1-liter pyrex beaker, water, rubber tubing (about 50cm), 500 mL beaker, plastic container (about shoe box size), modeling clay and safety goggles.Devise a way to use the materials to measure the gas that escapes from the can of soda. Note: You will need to heat the soda after you have opened it. To do this safely, put the can in a water bath (container of water) and heat the water bath.Write down the procedures you will follow. Include the safety precautions you will take.Be sure to explain how you will set up your materials an if possible draw a picture.
Could be dirt or even a spider web in the detector. Get a vacuum cleaner and suck out the sensor.
i've got in simple terms swapped decrease back from extremely Gatorskins to 28mm actual traveling tyres, additionally from Continental. those look bullet data, while i've got been getting punctures each 500 or so miles with the Gatorskins
Wearing gloves, safety specs etc. Take out a chunk onto a dry filter paper (too absorb oil), with a sturdy knife trim the chunk to expose the bright surface. If you work quickly there will only minimal tarnishing. Weigh chuck then store under oil. Add portionwise to ethanol under inert atmosphere in a round flask fitted with a reflux condensor. Use fresh dry mineral oil and wipe off with dry filter paper before addition.