How can i remove my laziness from body as i am too fatty?
Tarn-x.they sell it just about mother-in-law used it on all her fine silver.just dunk it in or lightly rub it on and it's as good as new
i have done the method that T-bone saidOnly I boiled the water on the stove.either works great!!! Good luck
An old girlfriend was really good at polishing candle sticksThe key seemed to be to go slow at first, then faster, with just a little bit of a twistShe didn't seem to favor any one kind of polish, as the results were always the same.
Make a paste of water and BarKeeper's Friend.rub the candle holder until the tarnish is goneRinseBeautiful!
i do not think laziness is attached to fat/body weight i know a person who is 120kgs and runs up and down the office whole day it all depends wheater we want to get involved or not simply by making simple cahnges in our lifestyle and becoming less dependeant on technology and comforts will help to reduce laziness and asking this questions shows your willingness do involve some exercise into your life rather than putting a seperate time for it (the chances of skipping that time is more) eg like walking to the mall, using stairs, arrange furniture in ur house to facliate more walking so on gud luck