I need the specifics and references, please. How is it formed? How long does it take? Where is found and in what shape? Is its growth affected by temperature? Light? Does it grow on walls? Cave floors?Please help!
It might to have a photo to identify the other minerals. But there are a number of other minerals that could occur with quartz, particularly since it's one of the later minerals to crystalize from magma. Any impurieties can be included in the quartz itself, or may just tint the quartz a different color. The pink might just be rose quartz or a feldspar. The silver metallic mineral might be inclusions of rutile if it's rod-shaped, or it may be an internal fracture that catches and reflects/refracts the light differently than the rest of the quartz. Best to post a photo (and maybe put this question in the Geology section instead of Botany).