I have a rug in my inside hallway. I'm wondering how I should wash in washing machine? It's a tight knit rug like berber.
big tumble washer or hang it on a line, apply soap and hose it down?
Carpet In Washing Machine
This Site Might Help You. RE: How should I wash my rug in washing machine? I have a rug in my inside hallway. I'm wondering how I should wash in washing machine? It's a tight knit rug like berber.
I always wash my bathroom and entry rugs in the washer with a little detergent on the delicate cycle. I do dry them on the no heat setting. If your rug has a rubber backing it may come off and get in your washer. Usually doesn't happen the first time, but if you wash it often it probably will. No biggie though, just wash a load of towels after or just run a rinse cycle with nothing in it. Should help. Then you may get pieces in your dryer vent if you choose to dry it so be sure to clean the lint trap. hope this helps.