How to build a solar powered oven?
A very good question There *were* blind spots in the early 60's for tracking launches. We had Russia and China covered. Followed by Northern Africa and the Middle East. They used both wide angle cameras and particle detectors - the cameras would spot the flash and heat of a rocket engine as it remained at a constant, hot temperature as it climbed through a cooler atmosphere - and particle detectors looked for the flash of a nuclear explosion. Oceans were covered next, but it wasn't a priority because a Sub-launched ICBM could be as little as 3 minutes from it's target - even *with* warning, there wasn't much one could do Russia avoids building missile silos in permafrost; (so do we), so the polar latitudes are probably not as densely observed - but, at the same time - the colder air contrasting with a 6000 degree exhaust plume would be easy to spot Once in orbit - NORAD tracks objects as small as 3 in diameter - I would bet that it would spot a new, hefty radar return signal pretty easily. I would guess (repeat: guess) that no, an interplanetary mission could not be launched in secret.
Nope. Even amateur astronomers have the ability to spot and track small satellites in low earth orbit, and if a government owns a decent radar, they can easily track something as large and metallic as a rocket.
Grabovski watched the Buffalo game from the press box, will he even be dressed. I'm not that excited, the 2 points mean more to me as a fan than a battle of flyweights.