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How to move around in an unfinished attic with tray and vaulted ceilings?

Our attic is unfinished (it's all 2x4's and insulation up there) and I am interested in exploring the attic for a small wiring projectUnfortunately, a number of the rooms in the house have large tray ceilings or vaulted ceilingsThis causes some problems when I am trying to move around in the attic, since I reach a point that I can't go beyond (the tray ceiling)There is no room to walk/crawl around it and essentially it looks like a big bump with insulation all over itAs far as I can see there are not any other entrances to the attic over the other side of the house, so I am at a lossI do not want to crawl on top of the tray since I would be crawling on insulation and for all I know the tray can not support any weight.I realize that without seeing the layout it may be difficult to respond, but i was wondering in general how people move around in attics that are above tray/vaulted ceilings? Are there any tricks?


what is the use of the piece you want to coat? the best thing I can suggest with out knowing more is wet look by behr available at Home Depotyou get a high gloss look.
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If for some reason you must navigate into these areas you can wrestle a shop vac up into the attic and then suck this blown insulation back away from the trey ceiling framing, or use a small shovel to move it aroundThen cut some 60 pcsof 2 x 10 boards to lay down on the ceiling framing prior to walking on the framing3 or 4 boards is usually enough as you just keep moving them forward as you goIt's not easy but it's how we do itLeave the boards up there for the next time - if ever you do this againWe suggest placing marking flags in the insulation as you uncover any electrical junction boxes, even if you are not up there to work on themStick them down in the insulation enough so they stand up on their ownWear a dust mask, take a good flashlight with youIf you have a definite location where you want to install a ceiling fixture - drill a 1/2 diamater hole through the drywall in the ceiling - then purchase a take a coat hanger and straighten it out, wrap a pcof white paper around the end with tape, stick hanger up through hole so you can find it in the attic.

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