Home > categories > Electrical Equipment & Supplies > Control Cables > If the cable that connects me to the internet has fallen to the ground will it effect my bandwidth?

If the cable that connects me to the internet has fallen to the ground will it effect my bandwidth?

I have Rogers. the cabled connecting my house fell in a storm. It's still connected but its partially on the ground.I've noticed that my bandwidth use has increased and i am not doing anything different than i have ever done before.I changed the wifi wep and havent noticed anyone on it other me.Is it possible that the wire being down is doing this. I stream a video that is 15 minutes long in a low quality and the next day my usage history says i used 1gb that day. but that video and some light browsing of social media was all i had done that day.


No, not directly. It might however do so indirectly, but in very rare circumstances. The only thing that might increase, was more control data traffic because the cable was damaged and therefore more data packets would have to be resent. In that case, you might notice that the maximum bandwidth has been reduced.

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