Is it possible for Carbon Monoxide to leak only in the basement, and not be detected by a detector upstairs?
You can do that if everyone you work with is using the same expensive web editing software. You'll be better off installing software like Drupal or WordPress on their web sites and letting them upload the pictures through the web browser. They'll have full control over the content any time they want but it's a lot harder to damage the web site.
I don't understand why your reflective material needs to be able to withstand such heat. Is the target so close to the surface that you are getting too much radiated heat back on the collector? In this case can you change the focal length to make the distance further away? For this application I have seen strips of reflective plastic. Even mylar should work. I would be somewhat concerned about the glue you intend to use. Some contact cements have low flash points and are heat sensitive. Also see below for proper films.