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How do i remove aluminum foil that has burnt/melted to the bottom of my oven?

Just moved into a house and lined the bottom of the oven with aluminum foil (Reynolds Wrap) to catch any debris from a pizzaThe foil 'melted' or burned to the bottom of of the ovenHow do I get it off without ruining the finish on the oven?


small game such as squirrel rabbit mourning dove and predators
If you have a liscense then you could hunt birds, squirrels and rabbits but it depends on the bb guns fpsA air rifle would be betterIf you dont have a liscense then its illegal and you could get into trouble.
Your not too bright are you.there is a specific season for every animal(at least here in the U.S.) You are also not going to kill much with a pellet gunIt also sounds like you are hunting with your friends for sport and doesn't sound like your gonna clean and eat your kill, so my advice, hunt soda cansJust don't shoot at people or big gameIt will eventually kill either of those
Here's an idea.I frequently use a combination of liquid fabric softener and warm water to soak in pots and pans and casseroles or even stove drip pans to get the burnt on crud offso why not try spraying some on the foil and bottom of oven very carefully.(let it sit about 10 minutes like I do for the other things) and it should glide right off!!! Then with a sponge, wash and rinse and dry itI bet it works ;D

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