I‘m trying to make some metal gauntlets similar to the ones used by batman in Batman begins? How do I make a mold of those? But if oyu have a better method can you tell me?
whywhy throw money at sometings that will never be a hot rod and be in junk yard in a few yrs.save ur money 4 new car.
You want to find what is called an Artists' Foundry as opposed to an industrial foundry. They will make the mold and cast it for you. I am lucky to live near one in Berkeley California. It is called ARTWORKS FOUNDRY. Google it to find their website. The last time I had someting about that size done in bronze, it was about $200 a few years back , but my object was in wax which requires less mold making. If you want to sculpt the gauntlet yourself, buy VICTORY BROWN wax. It is available mail order from DOUGLAS AND STURGIS in San Francisco Ca. Once again , Google it. The wax is easy, and fun to work with. It becomes soft like clay with the heat of your hands, and the surface can be polished by briefly touching it with the flame of a propane torch. to find out more, Google the phrase lost wax casting Hope this helps.
I would use metalsmithing of a sheet of copper. Only good if you know what you do and have some tools, training and practice. Also as you probably want them as a part of a halloween costume they ought to be comfortable. I would make them out of ducttape. Or you can google them and buy some for about $10 on the internet. You would spend more than that for mold making materials and a lot of time.