My body tans very quickly, except my face doesn't. It was really bad last summer. I remember random people asking me if I was ill because my face was very pale compared to my body, lol. I don't know why my face never tans. I don't wear any foundation or concealer, never have. With or without sunblock, my face does not tan. It's the most frustrating thing in the world. Any explanations? What should I do this summer? Please don't suggest that I wear make-up on my face in order to match the color of my body, or that I use a self-tanner.
Because nothing happened to you and you are 14. If you do it again they have a record of you calling from that house and could give you a ticket for false reporting.
That would be illegal, those sites are blocked for a reason, kid.
well. i know you said they were males but that sounds awfully like a female in heatcats rarely vocalize unless they are communicating with their owner, with their young, fighting,in heat or painand yes it is definitely possible he may be calling on a mate if he is not neutered
behidden thats the only one i know hope i helped!
um, if ur a hacker, thats easy but then u would be hacking illegally, but u can just say ur an ethical hacker for the good lol, and then just learn about it so u can get in on more websites u want