My bedroom is in the basement, and I have lived in this house around 6 years, and my smoke detector in my room keeps beeping one beep every 30 seconds to a minute. It has never done this before, and I was wondering what the problem is? None of the other smoke detectors in the house do this. In the winter time, I also smoke in my bedroom. Is the detector picking up a little bit of smoke? Please don't tell me smoking is bad. I already know this and have a habit and have decided to do it anyways. Any information will be helpful.
They cannot park near a fire hydrant because fire trucks may need to use the water from it during a fire in order to put it out.
Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck and University of New Haven professor of criminal justice Jongyeon Tark, examined whether the defensive use of guns resulted in property loss, minor injury to a victim, or serious injury. Kleck and Tark found that using a gun reduced the risk of all three, and that injury resulted from self-protection with a gun in only 10 percent of cases. The institute cautions, however, that further research on the subject is needed, and that the effectiveness of using a gun in self-defense varies by crime, circumstance, victim and offender. Gun ownership has also generally been found to increase the risk of suicide and homicide, which could cancel or outweigh the beneficial effects of defensive gun use, according to the institute. But no matter the net benefit or risk, more people today believe that owning a gun will protect them. The assessment cites a 2013 Pew study that shows far more people today than in 1999 own guns for protection instead of hunting or other activities.
Two basic types of fire hydrants. In northern areas that experience freezing weather dry barrel hydrants are used. These hydrants are valved well below ground (usually 4 feet) and have a break off feature where if struck they break above ground, leaving the valve intact. No water flows unless the main or valve is damaged. The second type is the wet barrel used in southern areas not prone to freeze. These are valved in the hydrant itself and will flow if broken off. The amount of water and height of the stream depend on the pressure and flow of water in the main, but will range from 250 gallons a minute to over 3000 gallons a minute. The flow is stopped by closing main line valves, usually located in every block.