my neighboor street is very rough, some weekends i go to my cousin‘s house to skate there and do some gaps etc., but i dont know what size, hardness of wheels to get for my new board ; I dont know if like softer wheels could affect my flilp trick because i dont know if they are heavier or something, or could affect my grind tricks for some reason, something that i hate a lot is that when i skate with a hard wheel in my nieghboor my skateboard vibrates a lot and i have to do like 3 hard pushes to advance a little then i slow down very fast, do soft wheels helps with going faster on rough surfaces or do they only help with vibration?what size of wheels and hardness should i buy??
if you want wheels that are good for street, you should get 52-55mm if your small and 56-60mm if your bigger. also check the durameter, for street it should be around 87a or 95a.
dude, i've never noticed a difference, personally. I like blanks better (wheels, never boards) simply because they're cheaper, and wear just the same. brands may be a *bit smoother* but not by very much. i'd focus on your bearings first before brand wheels.
Larger wheels willl help you negotiate rough roads. A softer durometer wheel will help cushion the ride but not much, and the variety of size and durometer is really limeted lately, so my best pick would be maybe those remake Powell wheels (like 60mm.ish 95Aish). But, alas, a smooth ride comes with more wieght every time. So it's a choice between a smooth ride or lightwieght, trick incompetant ride. Decisions, decisions!