My training buddy and I have added tire workouts to our regimen and after brainstorming and searching we've exhausted new ideas for workouts, anyone have any good suggestions for workouts using a 220 lb tire?
i'm continually very drained after spending 4 hours operating on path. if you're doing some thing like that, being very drained after wards is envisioned. if you're only going to the gym and utilizing the elliptical and lifting some weights, you may want to nicely be operating too frustrating too in many cases-- or no longer providing or replenishing your body with sufficient supplements and fluids.
Intesity perhaps intensity.? Intensity of the work out? Well, I bet you guys are very creative and will come up with some great ideas. Let's stand on one side of it and run side ways in and out of it, with it lying flat for4 minutes as fast as you can and add minutes with time. You can roll it to a destiny and back. That's one heavy tire. Suspend it and pitch a baseball through it (the other person catches it with a catcher's mitt. This can help with hand eye coordination. I'm done. Have a great week.
Flip the tire the length of a football field and have your buddy flip it back. Repeat until one of you can't make it. Get on your knees, with the tire between you and your buddy. Push the tire over onto him, he has to catch it and push it back onto you. Repeat until one of you is killed by the tire. Stand inside tire, lift tire until it is over your head. If you can't get all the way up, person who gets it the highest, wins. Throw tire off a cliff. Get tire back to top of cliff. Throw self off of cliff in tire. Survive. That last one was funny to me anyway. Hope it helped.
If you can do anything with a 220 pound tire you don't need advise from anyone else.
Here's an idea - sell the tire and use the money to buy a membership to a fitness club.