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Transferring Data Using a Xbox 360 Data Transfer Cable?

If I use a transfer cable to transfer data from an old 360 to a new slim one can I choose what I transfer? I want to transfer my gamer profile and my saves but I want to leave everything else on there, can I do this without erasing everything off the old one?


Yes, when you plug in your transfer cable the xbox dashboard will bring up a check list bring just check all the stuff you want to have transfered. When you transfer your gamer profile and saves they will no longer be on your old harddrive but everything else will be there. If you are just transfering your gamer profile and saves you can just recover your Gamer Tag which will be easyer and will save you $20 on the transfer cable. to do this just go to the dashboard and press the xbox button and it is right there. You will have to download your map packs, game demos, arcade games, and videos again but will not have to pay as long as you bought them on your profile

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