
transmission fixes?

Well we have a 1989 Chevrolet astro CL van and the automatic transmission slips. When we back up its like we a chain holding us in the front and it takes a while to go backwards. When we go forwards it goes like this most of the time (1,3,2,4,1,2). no joke. Also when we go it jerks starting at about 10 mph. We have changed the transmission once before and just a few months ago we had to put a new fly wheel on because of a pressure crack then is started messing up. Is there a easy fix but we have use lucas transmission fix and it will work for like a week but then is slips again. Do you think the transmisson is bad?


First and foremost: NEVER plan to EVER have your transmission flushed! Have the fluid CHANGED because you'll get a new transmission FILTER. If your car were mine I would disconnect the upper transmission cooler line in the radiator end tank and run a hose from the fitting to an empty quart bottle or can. Have someone start the car in neutral which will discharge transmission fluid into the bottle. Let it fill to the 3/4 full line on the side of the empty bottle. Now it's safe to dump the Lucas product unto the transmission filler tube using a transmission funnel. 24 oz. of Lucas product is too much to add to a transmission IF the fluid level is already full. Same holds true for engine oil. Never overfill either one of them. *Read carefully: Double check the owners manual in the glove compartment concerning the PROPER way to check the transmission fluid before you do anything! Some transmissions must be hot, in gear with the emergency brake on with the transmission in GEAR and engine running when the fluid level is checked.
Check the Color and Condition (Smell Feel) of the Transmission Fluid! Sounds like the Torque Converter has a Problem and the Transmission Valve needs to be Removed Cleaned. Was the Transmission you had Installed New, Rebuild or Salvage? How Old is it? Inspected Installed by a Good Transmission Shop? Lastly how is the Engine running, Any Problems, Any?
Shifting in a Transmission is controlled by a sintrifical govener in the tail shaft , it regulates pressure to the valve body, where the actual fluid is directed to your pistons and servos. Most shift problems in transmissions are caused by sticky valve.bodys. The valves have a 1 thousands of an inch clearance to move in the body bore. If the transmission over heats the valvebody being aluminum usually warps lodging the valves. From what your describing one of your O-rings on a valve or servo piston is leaking , causing the irratick flutter of shifts. You maybe able to buy a valve body and govener .

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