What is the difference between a LED UV light source and a traditional UV lamp?
The LEDUV light source has many advantages: no hazardous materials, low energy consumption, small size, excellent performance, cost saving, cost effectiveness, enhanced durability, custom selection, etc..
The difference between LEDUV light source and traditional UV lamp is: 1. Long life: the service life is more than 10 times of the traditional mercury lamp type curing machine. 2, is a cold light source, no heat radiation, the surface temperature of the product is low, to solve the optical communication and liquid crystal production in the long-term heat damage problems. 3, small calorific value, can solve mercury lamp, inkjet equipment, calorific value, staff difficult to endure. 4, instant light, without preheating, immediately reach 100% power UV output. 5, the service life is not affected by the number of opening and closing. 6, high energy, light output stability, irradiation uniformity, good effect, improve production efficiency. 7, custom irradiation areas can be customized, ranging in length from 7mm to 1000mm. 8, without mercury or ozone, is a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional light sources. 9, low consumption, power consumption is only 10% of the traditional mercury lamp curing machine
UV lamp is the abbreviation of ultraviolet lamp tube, UV is Ray (Ultra-Violet) abbreviation. The UV lamp is a gas discharge lamp, gas discharge lamp is divided into arc discharge and glow discharge UV lamp, commonly used in UV curing for the arc discharge lamp, its working principle is: in the high pure mercury vacuum quartz tube with quantitative (Shui Yin), the two electrodes provide voltage difference (drop), ion discharge thus, the ultraviolet radiation generated by. Low pressure UV lamp, that is bactericidal lamp, is mainly used for sterilization, and UV-B is also mainly used for ultraviolet inspection, medical treatment, etc..