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What soil works best in planter boxes?

Because planter boxes don't go through all the way to the ground which type works best in those boxes


Organic refers to the source of the rice, that is, the farm where it grew. So, if it's from an organic farm, it's organic. Enriching it will not change that status. If it doesn't say brown rice on the bag, then it's just white rice that's been colored in the processing. Uncle Ben's may do that; I'm not sure. Brown rice has more nutrients and fiber than white rice, but is also more susceptible to mold. You have to keep it in a cool, dry place.
The vermiculite is sold at gardening stores, the flour at health food stores (you really don't need the organic), but the organic is available at whole foods and like stores.
the reason that you are having such a hard time finding those products is because they are used to cultivate psilocybe mushrooms, which its quite obvious that you are trying to do by asking this question. Little note: if your going to do something illegal, DONT BROADCAST IT ON THE NET! You can however find both quite easily, First off, dont use brown rice flour, it is quite hard to find, as the reason is stated above, buy some brown rice, VERY AVALIBLE! Crush it, blend it, hell, use a food processor. Quick, easy, and most of all cheap. And as far as the vermiculite, its at almost any home garden shop, but make sure thats all thats in it. Many of them now days will have chemicals in them that prevent fungus from growing in it as it HOLDS WATER. But heres the real deal, if you don know where to find vermiculite, and dont know how to make the flour, your definatly not going to be able to grow anything but maybe some mold. Not to mention that after youve put this topic on here there are going to be people wondering maybe even watching . Haha. Grow up, read some books, and get a job like the rest of us! Theres no future in drug culitvation! *Unless you live in North Cali and grow some herbs!
Buy Brown Rice Flour

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