Or chloths sporting Australian post office logos?My dad is a USPS worker and LOVES Australia, so for X-mas i hope to get it for him.
I have been to hell and back with all this. things that left tire is doing. crazy wheel movement. steering wobble at first 65 mph. now it wobbles even in my driveway. Deep thud and bottoming sound over bumps or pot holes. New ball joints, control arm bushings, tie rod ends, sway bar bushing to frame, sway bar link. cv joint binding when its brand new!? HERE IT IS! ALOT OF TIMES ITS ALL OF THESE THINGS THAT ARE CAUSING THE PROBLEMS EVEN IF EACH ONE IS CONTIBUTING JUST A LITTLE. the ironic thing is that it was not the cv joint. the reason im posting this is for this INFO RIGHT HERE.. I FOUND OUT THAT ITS RARE, BUT WHEN THE LOWER CONTROL ARM BUSHINGS OR BALL JOINT GETS BAD ENOUGH, WHEN YOU PUT ON A NEW CV JOINT, THE AXLE NUT WILL PULL IN CLOSER BECAUSE THE FORCE OF THE CONTROL ARM BUSHING CANT PUSH BACK BECAUSE ITS WORE OUT , WHICH CAN CAUSE EVEN A BRAND NEW CV JOINT TO BIND AND I HAD 2 MECHANICS TELL ME, TRUST ME, YOUR NEW CV JOINT IS BAD, WHEN IN FACT IT WAS JUST THE LOWER CONTROL ARM. THE FUNNY THING IS THAT IF I NEW THIS FROM THE BEGINNING, MOST LIKELY THE OLD CV JOINT WAS FINE AND IT WOULDA TALKED TO ME LIKE THIS. Dude, why do you think i'm broken, just because the gossip is im screwed up lately, look at the control arm that's all wobbling around like a drunk! Jeeeeeeeeez. I hope this helps somebody out there that is going through the same thing as me with mechanics not finding the main problem and just not caring enough to take time to give a good inspection. you put your slight toe in and your slight toe out. you take your camber and your caster and you shake it all about. that what a bad lower control arm is all about.
I would recommend a call to the vet at the very least. I honestly don't know what chemicals in the fire extinguishers are dangerous to dogs so if you call at least the vet can tell you if you need to bring the dog in right away or if you can just watch for a bad reaction.
Ok so first off it's not the semen that travels to the egg it's the sperm. Semen is what the sperm are in when they come out. The sperm leaves the semen within a few minutes and travels into the womb. Then it travels thru the tubes to where it expects the egg to be. That can take hours or longer depending upon how well the sperm swim and how straight they go. Most sperm are not shaped right and they get lost or swim around in circles or just plain die before they get there. But since there are millions of them this is not usually a problem. Sperm can live up to 5 days, but 2-3 days is more common.