Instead of having a separate brake and accelerator pedal, why not have one long pedal that does both.If you press lightly with toe pressure, the pedal tilts and it applies the accelerator. If you push forward with the entire foot, the entire pedal moves forward and it applies the brakes, while deactivating the accelerator.I think most sudden accelerations happen when the driver gets the foot on the wrong pedal, and they stand on the accelerator thinking it‘s the brake.If it was one pedal, standing on it would always apply the brake.Would this help reduce the sudden acceleration problems?
you have a well-thought idea, and are to be commended for it, but i am afraid your idea sounds more difficult to use than the standard 2 pedal system. if some one is so confused that they, hit the wrong pedal, what would stop them from being confused, when they are trying to pass some one, and they pull out into oncoming traffic to pass, then the stomp the gas, but they actually slam on the brakes and cause an accident.
The sudden acceleration problems are a result of engine going apeshit and accelerating itself. It has nothing to do with the driver messing up which pedal they wanted to press and slamming the accelerator instead of the brake. Your suggestion addresses a different problem (if it even is a problem) than the one Toyota is facing now.
That sounds like a very complicated, touchy system. I honestly don't believe that Audi and Toyota owners can't tell the brake from the gas. The two pedals have distinctly different feels, even when you're slightly panicky. There is ONE time in my life when I hit the wrong pedal. I was about 10 and I was driving for the first time ever. Man, was that Bronco fast!