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All Copper Pipes Question

To make copper sulphate you have to react copper oxide with sulphuric acid. Why can't you just use copper...?
4 answer
Is copper bad,healthwise?
3 answer
When did copper plumbing become popular?
3 answer
In France low voltage electrical circuit attached to water pipes. Why?
2 answer
Does copper power get rid of marine itch?
1 answer
What happens when you mix copper with silver nitrate?
1 answer
What gauge for sheet copper?
3 answer
what are the environmental advantages of using PEX in hot water pipes instead of copper?
2 answer
Help need to know what kind of pipe will i need to use to run my propane tank in my cabin. galvanize or copper?
3 answer
Why does Copper have a higher density than Zinc?
3 answer
Cleaning Heavily Tarnished Copper?
2 answer
copper acetate question?
2 answer
Please explain high levels of copper in urine but normal plasma levels.?
1 answer
How do I repair a pin hole in my copper pipe leading to my hot water heater?
3 answer
A 2.8 m length of copper pipe extends directly from a hot-water heater. Physics help!?
2 answer
Copper IUD vs Mirena?
1 answer
Can you copy and paste the Wikipedia article on copper?
2 answer
Do you have a copper IUD?
1 answer
What Years Were Pennies Made of 95% Copper?
2 answer
What is Number 1 copper?
1 answer
Copper or Iron pipe through a slab?
5 answer
How to fix a pinhole leak in copper pipe?
3 answer
do you think a paintball (.68 caliber) could travel threw a 5/8 (.625 caliber) copper pipewithout breaking
1 answer
Is there a copper supplement pill?
2 answer
How do you melt copper at home to make castings?
1 answer
Which is better, PPR plastic pipe or copper pipe?
4 answer
what elements react with copper easily?
3 answer
% of copper in pennies?!?
1 answer
so have a new hot water heater, and it keeps leaking a good amount of water, is this normal?
0 answer
copper sulfate sustitute?
1 answer