The BRK smoke detectors are hard wired into the ceiling. 2 of them are constantly chirping and I don't see a spot to place a battery. What do I need to do to stop the chirping? Thanks.
It shouldn't be a problem. I usually try to keep mine out of the sun however. Bedsides that, if someone sees them, they are more likely to be stolen. I know you said that you weren't worried about it, but you just never know about people.
Those are some disturbing statistics. I recall going to Safety Town when I was 4? years old and learning all about fire alarms and having an escape plan, a family meet up place outside My mom also took me in for fingerprinting as a child, drilled my address and phone number into my head. I guess my parents did a pretty good job of making sure I was prepared for emergency situations- thankfully I never needed any of that info.
Darn right they do! Or they put tire chains on, but most have 4 wheel drive vehicles that go thru the snow better to start with!
they r supose to resist extreme temperature but i will never leave it in the windshield first kust in case and second any one will brake into ur car to stole them