typing this was hard enough. /i spilt juice overit yesterday andleft it upsidedown on a towel but its still freakishlysticky.[especiallythe spacebar]any advice oncleanin it?
No they won't we have two fire extinguishers in our house as well. Don't worry.
Yes it is legal, Your just smart :-) Some people dont have them i guess they want to watch there home burn down if they have a grease fire electrical fire or what not. They may sue you for being smart but i highly doubt it.
yes it's legal and establishments are required by the local government to have fire extinguishers before approving the proper permit to operate.
No the smoke detectors will not be disabled, however to be 100% sure I'd let an extinguished match or piece of paper smolder under the detector.
It is certainly encouraged in Australia, by local governments, to have a fire extinguisher in your house and car. As long as you know how to use it, and have it serviced by a qualified fire equipment technician on a regular basis (6 monthly), you should be fine. I can't imagine that a fire extinguisher could be illegal in a house in any country.