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The motor stops the alarm

Want to do a motor stall or speed is too low on the alarm device, which experts know the trouble pointing, tell the specific model of what, thank you!


When the motor speed down to a certain number of revolutions or stop, the normally open contact closed, connected to the alarm power, the alarm will ring
Very simple, with a speed relay on the line, when the motor speed down to a certain number of revolutions, the normally open contact closed, connected to the alarm device circuit on the line. Very simple, with a speed relay on the line, when the motor speed down to a certain number of revolutions, the normally open contact closed, connected to the alarm device circuit on the line.
This simple, with the speed of the relay on the line, the general industrial electrical stores have sold, model JY-1, Xin Ling card, and its action speed of 200 rpm

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