Do you have any potions or chemicals that soften the reflective clothing and soften the fabric?
Reflective clothing fabric before making reflective clothes, is processed by sizing, and water is not good, it is easy to appear fabric perfect situation. It seems that after the ready-made clothes are ready, they can not be washed by water, and they also hurt the reflective belt.
According to the style of reflective clothing is divided into: reflective vest, reflective T-shirt (POLO), reflective coat, reflective pants and so on.According to the use of reflective vests are divided into: reflective raincoats, reflective clothing, reflecting the sanitation workers riding clothes, uniforms, sportswear, reflective reflective police reflective clothing, outdoor sportswear, reflective reflective reflective labor service, work clothes, reflective clothing and construction industry.
The reflective vest is a personal safety product for night or bad weather, which is made of reflective material inlaid in the main parts of clothes or vests, and is a better protection personnel in outdoor work.
There is no medicine or softener can soften the reflective clothing fabric and does not hurt the clothes.Reflective clothing can also be called reflective vest, reflective clothing. Reflective clothes, styles, varieties, full text, police, traffic, highways, co management, security and so on.