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Kitchen still smells like Fire Extinguisher Residue,floor is dirty after cleaning, and oven still smells, help?

There was a small fire that needed to be put out inside the oven. I used the extinguisher. Obviously, it went all over the place. I vacuumed everything, washed the inside with soapy water, washed the tile floor with a swiffer (regular and wetjet).Yet the kitchen still smells (though looks spotless), the inside of the oven still has a bad smell, and when I walk on the kitchen floor my socks are filthy.What else can I do here? My kitchen floor is more like a stone/tile material rather than basic ceramic tile.I pre-heated my oven today and was afraid to cook anything because smoke was coming out from the extinguisher residue. In my instruction manual, it says NOT to use oven cleaner, so that's out. What now?


Why would they do that? They did nothing wrong..Oh waitYou mean it isn't a protest until something is destroyed or on fire? Okay well here in 2009 we like to remain civil of course if you all would like to go back to the days you clubbed each other for stuff. I am sure you can find a place in woods that will suit you.
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shoot it with your gun at point blank range and find out

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