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In the book Michigan Mysteries, the discovery of ancient mines and iron ore smelting opperations in Michigan

prior to the arrival of Columbus. Is there any evidence for this, or any studies done on this?


There is evidence of Copper mining - I would contact the Michigan Department of Natural Resources or the State of Michigan Department of Parks and Recreations. Several ancient sites are public parks. They would be able to direct you to more information.
pedia says that there are indeed prehistoric copper mines in Michigan. They did a wide trade with them. Prehistoric Americans did have copper, but, if I remember correctly, they hammered it rather than doing the melting into a mold thing. I was on a dig once where we found some copper pins in a pre-contact period site. Pretty neat.
You could ask the chamber of commerce in the suspected areas.
You could ask the chamber of commerce in the suspected areas.
There is evidence of Copper mining - I would contact the Michigan Department of Natural Resources or the State of Michigan Department of Parks and Recreations. Several ancient sites are public parks. They would be able to direct you to more information.
pedia says that there are indeed prehistoric copper mines in Michigan. They did a wide trade with them. Prehistoric Americans did have copper, but, if I remember correctly, they hammered it rather than doing the melting into a mold thing. I was on a dig once where we found some copper pins in a pre-contact period site. Pretty neat.

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