My friend got fired from his work because the employee claimed that he was signing people for credit card app with some 1 else information but my friend said that he didn't do that the person applying for a credit card might have used some 1 elses information to sign up for a credit card my friend said that he didn't match their information from thief I'd to what appeared in the system the employee claimed to have proof of him in a vedo signing people for a credit card with some elses information but the employer never shown this vedio to my friend so what will happen now will this go to his employment record will there b any charge against him and will it be hard for him to find another job!
I'm not a Lady, though a lot of people think I am P
first of all dont be a big fat PRUDE after you are getting a visit from people who love you and all u can do and is ***** and complain if your brother is having a wetting issue there is a medical issue and should get addressed , talk to DAd it could be life threatning.. meanwhile go to walmart or annas linens , and get those plastic bed sheets double it and then buy old sheets from the thrift store or yard sale and use that over along with a $2 bedspread or comforter from a yard sale or thrift store.. problem solved OR you could get a blow-up bed from walmart , yard sale or criagslists and do the same with the plastic mattress pad and old used sheet sets.. stop being such a weirdo with all those stupid rules grow up and act like a lady and problem solve and enjoy family without all those dumb rules ..
Whilst having seks I gotta use rubber sheets if you know what your doing.
Your questions sometimes astound me and a couple of them made me blush. Phew, glad I got that off my chest.
Age and how many have come before