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All Copper Bars Question

Have some coins Id like to sell?
2 answer
Resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to the area of its cross section.Why ?
3 answer
Does anyone know where to sell parts for mechanical assembly on copper?
3 answer
Can you put neutral and ground wires on same bus main service panel no sub panel i want the safest way? it has separate bus bars?
3 answer
Layers of copper and zinc? Would it make a difference/work?
4 answer
A simple question needing a simple answer. A magnet passing a copper wire produces an electric current right?
5 answer
If you melt copper metal and tin metal pieces together, to make a bullion ingot bar, is that bronze now?
2 answer
where can i find the 3 metal bars that frankie fusilli wants, I know they r in the desert somewhere but where?
3 answer
Do bits hurt horses tougues?
5 answer
What does copper have to do with alcohol/booze?
3 answer
A physics student is asked to determine the length of a long, slender, copper bar by measuring?
1 answer
Can an office supply store laminate flat copper bullion bars?
2 answer
in runescape how do i craft armour?
4 answer
how does metallurgy by Galileo relate to the scientific revolution?
2 answer
what is the significants of the voltage magnitude and angle at bus of a power system?
1 answer
World of Warcraft: Help! Where can I get a copper bar?
2 answer
Glyph of copper in the end how to do ah
3 answer
The extraction of copper liquid nitrogen freckles where can buy?
3 answer
There are two electroscope, positively charged A B is charged,
3 answer
Final chemistry exam please help?
2 answer
If everything is made up of the same atoms, then why isnt everything the same thing?
3 answer
Which coin has the most base metal value if melted?
1 answer
House wiring - testing for ground wire?
3 answer
Duplex Convenience Outlet?
2 answer
I Started a new file on Harvest Moon Tree Of Tranquility And my charecter has a small stamina bar?
2 answer
What is the English equivalent to this bit?
3 answer
How many atoms of copper Cu are in the bar ?
1 answer
Statue of Liberty?
1 answer
When a bimetallic bar made of iron and copper strips is heated, the bar bends toward the iron strip. This is?
4 answer
What is the resistance between the ends of the welded bar at 20 oC ?
2 answer